Park and ride on Scarborough’s north side would have been more attractive to drivers

Seamer rd Park and Ride . pic Richard PonterSeamer rd Park and Ride . pic Richard Ponter
Seamer rd Park and Ride . pic Richard Ponter
I read with interest (Your Views, February 14) on the possible closure of Scarborough Park and Ride.

I would suggest that one reason for its lack of success (and possibly the major reason) is that the scheme was never taken to its logical conclusion.

Scarborough is a linear town with the main routes into it coming in from the south (the A165), the west (the A64 and A170) and from the north (the A171), but only the A165 and the A64 are served by the Park and Ride.

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Were there a Park and Ride on the north side of Scarborough on the A170 (a possible site would have been where the Rugby Club now is), it would have been possible to connect these three sites with each other and the centre of the town, thus making Park and Ride more attractive to more drivers.

Someone living in Filey could park at the southern Park and Ride and get a bus through to where they worked in the north of the town or the west of the town and similarly for people coming in from the other directions.

(Drivers coming in on the A170 could use the A64 Park and Ride.)

This, together with management of on-street car parking arrangements during the morning rush hour by putting the start of long term parking back to, say, 9.15am or 9.30am, would have opened up more daytime parking in the centre of the town to visitors and shoppers, with beneficial effects for businesses in the town as well as making Park and Ride more popular.

Gordon Whitehead

Campion Close
