Letter: Chance to act on gull mess at Spa footbridge

Seagull nests should be removed during winter months.Seagull nests should be removed during winter months.
Seagull nests should be removed during winter months.
I travel every morning under the Spa Bridge and have for about four years.

During the summer months, there about 50 nesting seagulls perched on the ledges of the stone pillars. When they are empty during the winter months these should be removed and anti-nesting spikes put in place.

This is the gateway to our lovely seafront and your first impression as you drive down under the bridge should not be horrible white bleached stone and shrieking birds.

If the council consider to be on top of this crisis, why don’t they see this and act before the migrating gulls return.

Kevin Keld

North Leas Avenue
