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IN PICTURES: 19 photos of happy Primary School children in Bridlington enjoying their last day of term

Here is a selection of photos from Martongate Primary School in Bridlington, showing children having fun on their last day before the summer holidays.

Martongate Primary School in Bridlington recently celebrated their last day of term, with pupils enjoying their final day with classmates and teachers until school starts again in September.

The whole school went outside for a special display by the school’s gymnastics squad, alongside all the staff and parents. The display was fantastic, with a number of flips, spins, jumps and aerial acrobatics being shown and enjoyed by all.

Selected classes also got up and performed special dances for the audience, which got everyone up and clapping along.

Also keeping the children entertained was the new outdoor play area which has been newly installed. The primary school has had the same equipment for 20 years, until gymnastics teacher and School Business Manager Jo Ward organised a just giving page to help fund a new play area.

Alongside donations from the community, money donated by the Marjory Kirk Trust helped the school get brand new equipment for the children to enjoy.

The new playground coupled with the gymnastics display ensured that all the pupils at Martongate thoroughly enjoyed their last day of term.

Selected classes also got up and performed special dances for the audience, which got everyone up and clapping along.